
provides publication assistance to scientists, with special
attention to archaeology and related fields. |
Publishers of Scientific Writing
a frequently updated list
provided by Scribal Traditions
as a service to writers in anthropology, archaeology, and other sciences
Submissions information for major archaeological and anthropological journals is
provided below. Additional titles will be added to this listing on a regular basis and all
entries will be reviewed periodically and updated as needed.
- American Anthropologist
(ISSN 0002-7294; quarterly) publishes articles that add to, integrate,
synthesize, and interpret anthropological knowledge; commentaries and essays
on issues of importance to the discipline; and reviews of books, films,
sound recordings and exhibits. Article submissions to Robert Sussman, Editor-in-Chief,
Department of Anthropology, MacMillan 112, Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130.
- American
Antiquity publishes articles on the archaeology of the New World and on
archaeological method, theory, and practice worldwide. Submissions to Lynne Goldstein,
Department of Anthropology, Michigan State University, 354 Baker Hall, East Lansing, MI
48824. Contact the Editorial Staff of American Antiquity through e-mail at publications@saa.org.
- American Ethnologist
is a quarterly journal concerned with ethnology in the broadest sense of the term. The
editor welcomes topical papers in areas such as ecology, economy, social organization,
ethnicity, politics, ideology, personality, cognition, ritual, symbolism, or cosmology,
and focused on any human group or society. Papers that cut across specific topical areas,
and that deal with culture diachronically as well as synchronically, are especially
welcome. Submissions to Carol Greenhouse, Editor, Department of Anthropology, Student
Building 130, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405.
- American Journal of Physical Anthropology (ISSN 0002-9483;
monthly) publishes original and significant articles on human evolution and variation,
including primate morphology, physiology, genetics, adaptation, growth, development, and
behavior, present and past. Submissions to Dr. Emoke J. E. Szathmary, Editor, Department
of Anthropology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 5V5. E-mail: ajpa@umanitoba.ca.
- Antiquity (quarterly) is devoted to archaeological research on a world-wide scale. Each
issue includes a personal editorial, research papers and notes, brief reports on current
matters of concern to archaeologists, and a full review coverage of new archaeological
books. Submissions to Dr. Caroline Malone, Antiquity Office, New Hall, Cambridge CB3 0DF,
England, catm20@cam.ac.uk
- Cultural Anthropology
welcomes contributions of relevance to cultural studies broadly conceived. Articles, while
presenting research results, should develop general theoretical implications and larger
issues of debate. Submissions to: Daniel A. Segal, Editor, Pitzer College, Claremont, CA
- Current
Anthropology (ISSN 0011-3204; 5 times yearly) is a transnational journal
devoted to research on humankind, encompassing the full range of anthropological
scholarship on human cultures and on the human and other primate species. Communicating
across the subfields, the journal features papers in a wide variety of areas, including
social, cultural, and physical anthropology as well as ethnology and ethnohistory,
archaeology and prehistory, folklore, and linguistics. Submissions to: Richard G. Fox,
Editor, Washington University, Campus Box 1186, One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO
- General
Anthropology (semiannual) provides timely and readable information and ideas
from the four fields of anthropology and applied anthropology. Submissions to David W.
McCurdy, Editor, Department of Anthropology, Macalester College, St. Paul, MN 55105,
612/696-6587, fax 612/696-6324, or Patricia Rice, Editor, Department of Sociology and
Anthropology, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV 26506, 304/293-5801; fax
- Internet Archaeology
(ISSN 1363-5387) is the "first fully refereed e-journal for archaeology"
and is indexed by the British and Irish Archaeological Bibliography and the
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences. Registration required (but free) to
read full text of articles. "Papers are chosen for their academic content and for
their use of the electronic medium - there are no chronological and geographical
restrictions, and papers in languages other than English are very welcome." The
Editor is Judith Winters.
- Journal of Anthropological
Archaeology (ISSN 0278-4165; quarterly) publishes articles on the theory
and methodology of archaeology as they relate to the understanding and explanation of the
organization, operation, and evolution of human societies
contributions from related
disciplines such as physical anthropology, ethnology, sociology, ecology, evolutionary
biology, etc., often will be germane to the interests served by the journal. Submissions
to: John M. OShea, Museum of Anthropology, University Museums Bldg., University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1079.
- Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory (ISSN 1072-5369;
quarterly) furnishes timely and authoritative "topical syntheses," substantial
original articles that critically assess and integrate research on a specific subject in
archaeological method or theory. Submissions to: Michael B. Schiffer, Editor, Department
of Anthropology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721.
- Journal of Archaeological Research (ISSN 1059-0161; quarterly)
is intended to improve access to the rapidly growing body of literature in archaeology by
serving as an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original critical
summaries of research covering the previous three to five years in a wide variety of
geographic areas and topics. Submissions to Gary M. Feinman and T. Douglas Price,
Co-Editors, Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin, Social Science Bldg.,
1180 Observatory Dr., Madison, WI 53706.
- Journal of
Archaeological Science (biannual) provides an international forum for
archaeologists and scientists from widely different scientific backgrounds who share a
common interest in using scientific methods to increase the information derived from
archaeological research. American and Canadian submissions to Richard G. Klein; Department
of Anthropology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-2160, U.S.A.; all other
submissions to John Grattan, Institute of Earth Studies, Llandinam Building, University of
Wales, Aberystwyth, Penglais, Aberystwyth, Dyfed SY23 3DB, Wales. E-mail: jpg@aber.ac.
- Journal of Human Evolution
(ISSN 0047-2484) publishes papers covering all aspects of human evolution. The central
focus is aimed jointly at palaeoanthropological work, covering human and primate fossils,
and at comparative studies of living species, including both morphological and molecular
evidence. These include descriptions of new discoveries, interpretative analyses of new
and previously described material, and assessments of the phylogeny and palaeobiology of
primate species. Submissions to Dr. Fred Spoor, Department of Anatomy and Developmental
Biology, University College London, Rockefeller Bldg., University St., London WC1E 6JJ
England, or Prof. Terry Harrison, Department of Anthropology, New York University, 25
Waverly Place, New York, NY 10003.
- Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford (ISSN UK 0044-8370; 3
times yearly) welcomes contributions on topics in social anthropology from students and
scholars in any discipline. Submissions to The Editors, JASO, 51 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2
6PE, England; fax: 01865 274630; e-mail: JASO@ermine.ox.ac.uk.
- Journal of World
Prehistory is an international forum for the publication of
peer-reviewed original articles that synthesize the prehistory of an area or of a
time-horizon within a larger region, or describe technical advances of wide and general
application. The journal focuses on prehistory, including the beginnings and early
development of complex societies, with broad coverage of all fields in space and time.
Submissions to Angela E. Close, Editor, Department of Anthropology, University of
Washington, Seattle, WA 98195.
- The Review of
Archaeology (semiannual) deals with the unrecorded past, with prehistory. Its
primary objective is the evaluation of significant publications in archaeology and related
disciplines, but also in other areas of study that may contribute to our understanding of
the prehistoric past. Salem, Massachusetts 01970. Editorial correspondence should be
addressed to Frederick Hadleigh West, Editor, The Review of Archaeology,10 Liberty Street,
Salem, Massachusetts 01970.
- Transforming
Anthropology is concerned with all subfields of anthropology and
contributions of other disciplines as they relate to anthropology. Preference is given to
contributions dealing with the formulation of conceptual and methodological frameworks to
advance the understanding of all forms of human diversity and commonality; the
construction of more adequate theories for explaining the conditions that engender social
inequalities based on race, ethnicity, class, gender, and other invidious distinctions;
and the development of research that involves both the peoples studied and local scholars
in all stages of investigation and the dissemination of findings. All articles are
peer-reviewed. Submissions to Irma McClaurin, Editor, Department of Anthropology, 1350
Turlington Hall, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-7305, 352/392-4627, fax
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Scribal Traditions index
- Ancient Mesoamerica (ISSN 0956-5361; semiannual) is an
international forum for the method, theory, substance, and interpretation of Mesoamerican
archaeology, art history, historical linguistics, and related fields. Submissions to
William R. Fowler Jr., Editor, Vanderbilt University, PO Box 6307-B, Nashville, TN 37235.
- Andean Past (biannual) publishes articles on Andean archaeology and
ethnohistory; ethnohistorical contributions are limited to those directly concerned with
the pre-Columbian peoples of the Andes. Submissions to Daniel E. Sandweiss, Department of
Anthropology, S. Stevens Hall, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469, or Monica Barnes, 377
Rector Place, Apt. 11-J, New York NY 10280; e-mail: Dan_Sandweiss@umit.maine.edu
- Archaeology in Oceania (ISSN 0003-8121; quarterly) accepts articles on
the archaeology and physical anthropology of the lands of the western Pacific rim and all
the islands of the Pacific Ocean including Australia. Submissions to J. Peter White,
Editor, 116 Darlington Road--H42, University of Sydney, N.S.W. 2006 Australia.
Central Plains Archeology publishes papers on the
archeology of the Central Plains area of North America. Submissions to Melissa Conner and
William Hunt, Editors, National Park Service, Midwest Archeological Center, Federal Bldg.,
Rm. 474, 100 Centennial Mall, Lincoln, NE 68508-3873.
- Kiva (ISSN 0023-1940; quarterly) welcomes unsolicited, original papers
related to the prehistoric and historic archaeology , ethnology, history, and ethnohistory
of the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. Submissions to Acquisitions
Editor, Ronald H. Towner, at RHTowner@aol.com.
- Latin American Antiquity: Katharina J. Schreiber, University
of California, 507 Mesa Road, Department of Anthropology, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-7000;
phone: 805-893-4291, fax: 805-893-8707, e-mail: schreibk@sscf.ucsb.edu.
- Midcontinental
Journal of Archaeology (ISSN 0146-1109; semiannual) publishes original
papers on the archaeology of the region between the Appalachian Mountains and the Great
Plains, from the Boreal Forests to the Gulf of Mexico, and on closely related subjects.
Submissions to: William Green, Editor, Office of the State Archaeologist, 700 Clinton St.
Bldg., University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242-1030.
- Near Eastern Archaeology (formerly Biblical Archaeologist;
ISSN 0006-0895; quarterly) publishes on life in the ancient world from Mesopotamia to the
Mediterranean. Submissions to Brian Hesse and Paula Wapnish, Department of Anthropology,
338 Ulman, University of AlabamaBirmingham, Birmingham, AL 35294; phone:
205-934-3508; e-mail: pbhesse@uab.campus.mci.net.
- North American Archaeologist (ISSN 0197; quarterly) is
concerned with all aspects of American Archaeology, covering the continent north of the
region of high cultures in Mesoamerica. Submissions to Roger W. Moeller, Editor,
Archaeological Services, 68 Sunny Ridge Road, Box 386, Bethlehem, CT 07651.
- Plains Anthropologist (ISSN 0032-0447; quarterly) publishes
original papers on the anthropology of the Plains and adjacent areas of North America.
Manuscripts of a more general nature, or those concerned with other areas, will be
considered if they are of theoretical importance or if they bear upon problems of humans
in Plains environments. Submissions to: Dr. Linea Sundstrom, Department of Anthropology,
PO Box 413, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53201.
- Southeastern Archaeology (ISSN 0734-587X; semiannual)
publishes papers on the prehistoric and historic archaeology of the southeastern United
States and neighboring regions. Submissions to: Robert C. Mainfort Jr., Editor, Arkansas
Archaeological Survey, PO Box 1249, Fayetteville, AR 72702-1249.
- Illinois Archaeology (ISSN 1050-8244; semiannual) publishes
original articles relating to the archaeology of Illinois and surrounding regions.
Submissions to Thomas E. Emerson, Editor, Illinois Transportation Archaeological Research
Program, University of Illinois, 103 Horticultural Field Lab. MC-001, 1707 South Orchard
Street, Urbana, IL 61801.
- Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society (ISSN 0535-5279;
annual). Submissions to Joe B. Thompson and Colleen Vaugh, Editors, Bear Creek
Archaeology, Inc., PO Box 347, Cresco, IA 52136.
- Michigan Archaeologist (ISSN OS43-9728; quarterly) reviews and
accepts manuscripts of interest to the amateur and professional archaeologists in Michigan
and surrounding states and provinces. Submissions to Janet G. Brashler, Department of
Anthropology and Sociology, Grand Valley State University, 256 Au Sable Hall, Allendale,
MI 49401.
- The Midden (quarterly)
contains information germane to the archaeology of British Columbia.
- Mississippi Archaeology (ISSN 0738-775X; semiannual)
- South Dakota Archaeology (Journal of the South Dakota
Archaeological Society; ISSN 0276-5543; annual) contains articles of enduring scientific
interest to South Dakota and Midwestern archaeology. Submissions to: L. Adrien Hannus,
Editor, Archaeology Laboratory, Augustana College, 2032 South Grange Avenue, Sioux Falls,
SD 57105.
- Wisconsin Archeologist
(ISSN 0043-6364; quarterly) publishes original articles dealing with the anthropology
(ethnology, physical anthropology, archaeology) of the state of Wisconsin and adjoining
regions of the United States and Canada. Articles of general topical and/or theoretical
interest will be considered also. Submissions to PO Box 1292, Milwaukee WI 53201.
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