
provides publication assistance to scientists, with special
attention to archaeology and related fields. |
Every writer needs some help sometimes. Here are links to helpful resources around the
web. We also recommend that you befriend your local reference librarian for help finding
information and resources, whether these be books on the shelves, CD-ROM databases, or
online resources.
- Anthromorphemics is a
glossary of anthropology terms provided by the University of California at Santa Barbara.
Completely searchable online glossary features words commonly used in the subdisciplines
of physical anthropology, cultural anthropology, and archaeology.
Scribal Traditions home page: Resources and tools: top of this page (Tools for
the scientific writer)
- Internet Grammar of English
On-line course in English grammar primarily for university undergraduates, written and
designed at the Survey of English Usage, a research unit based in the English Department
at University College London. Note: You must have Javascript enabled in your browser
to use this site.
Scribal Traditions home page: Resources and tools: top of this page (Tools for
the scientific writer)
- Antiquity's Notes for Contributors
From the publishers of Antiquity, a quarterly journal of archaeological research,
a list of suggestions for contributors.
- Columbia On-Line Style
Began as rules for citation of online resources; has been developed into complete
guidelines for formatting documents for online publication and for electronically
preparing texts for print publication.
- MLA Style Guide
The only authorized online version of the style recommended by the Modern Language
Association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research papers, including the
mechanics of writing, such as punctuation, quotation, and documentation of sources.
- The SAA Style Guide
Editorial policy and information for authors, from the Society for American Archaeology.
Style guide can be downloaded as a .pdf.
- The SHA Style Guide
An abbreviated version of the printed style guide, plus editorial policy, and author
information, from the Society for Historical Archaeology.
- The Elements of Style,
William Strunk, Jr.
First published May 1995; published July 1999 by the Bartleby Library. It doesn't have E.B.
White's "steel and music" -- for that, you need the published version (the 4th
edition includes a new glossary of grammatical terms).
Scribal Traditions home page: Resources and tools: top of this page (Tools for
the scientific writer)
Scribal Traditions home page: Resources and tools: top of this page (Tools for
the scientific writer)
Scribal Traditions index
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