
provides publication assistance to scientists, with special
attention to archaeology and related fields. |
Linda Forman
E-mail: linda.forman@scribaltraditions.com
- A.B.D., Anthropology. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Research Topic: Prehistoric Water Management in the Northern Maya Lowlands
Minor Field of Study: Geography
- M.A., Anthropology. University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1980
- B.A., Anthropology. University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1972
- University of Texas at Austin, 19681969
- 19831985 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Graduate School Fellowship
- 1972 Phi Beta Kappa
- 19681972 Alcoa Foundation Scholarship
- 1998present Managing Editor, Medical Anthropology Quarterly (ISSN
0745-5194). Department of Anthropology, University of Iowa, Iowa City. Manage editorial
functions and assist in supervision of editorial office; handle direct relations with
authors and with publishers office.
- 1996present Editorial Assistant, Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology (ISSN
0146-1109). Office of the State Archaeologist, University of Iowa, Iowa City. Manage
editorial and production functions; assist editor with manuscript review, correspondence
with authors, and journal promotion.
- 1990present Freelance Editor, co-owner of Scribal Traditions, offering
publications assistance to archaeologists and researchers in related disciplines. Editing
for style and substance, manuscript formatting, bibliographic proofing, computer-generated
maps and plans, production of camera-ready copy.
- 19921998 Associate Editor, Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society (ISSN
0535-5729). Edit submissions for style and substance, perform bibliographic checks,
format text and lay out pages, create camera-ready copy.
- 1997 Editorial Assistant, Contemporary Psychology (ISSN 0010-7549).
Department of Psychology, University of Iowa, Iowa City. Prepared biographies of journal
contributors and book authors, wrote short book reviews.
- 19941997 Editor and graphics assistant for 17 archaeological projects; General
Contracts Program and Highway Archaeology Program, Office of the State Archaeologist,
University of Iowa. Edited reports for content and style, formatted text and laid out
pages, created maps and figures.
- 19901992 Publications Assistant; Blooming Prairie Warehouse, Iowa City, Iowa.
Proofed copy, formatted text, laid out pages for multiple commercial publications.
- Microsoft Word, Macintosh and PC versions
- Adobe PageMaker, Macintosh and PC versions
- Twelve years experience with Macintosh systems; six years experience with PC systems
Proficiency in Spanish (written and spoken); reading knowledge of French
- 19881989 Visiting Instructor, Department of Anthropology, University of Iowa
- 19861988 Lecturer, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of
Wisconsin Center-Rock County
- 1986 Instructor, Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- 19851986 Instructor, Postsecondary Re-Entry Program, University of Wisconsin
Center-Fond du Lac County
- 19811983 Teaching Assistant, Department of Anthropology, University of
Courses Taught:
- The Ancient Maya
- Archaeology and the Prehistoric World
- Cultural Anthropology
- Digging up the Past: Approaches to Archaeology
- General Anthropology
- Introduction to Culture and Society
- Introduction to Physical Anthropology
- Introduction to Physical Anthropology and Archaeology
- Peoples of Mesoamerica, Past and Present
- 19951997 Project Archaeologist, Burials Program, Office of the State
Archaeologist, University of Iowa. Archival research and collections documentation.
- 19751996 Field assistant, supervisor, and director on numerous archaeological
projects in Yucatán (Mexico), Puebla (Mexico), Iowa, Illinois, and Wisconsin; Western
Illinois University, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, University of Iowa.
- 19821983 Manager, Archaeological Research Laboratory, University of
- 1980 Acting Staff Archaeologist, Historic Preservation Division, State Historical
Society of Wisconsin, Madison.
- 19781979 Archaeological research assistant, Historic Preservation Division, State
Historical Society of Wisconsin.
- 1976 Lithics analyst, Arctic Archaeology Laboratory, Department of Anthropology,
University of Wisconsin-Madison.
- 1994present Treasurer, Iowa Archeological Society
- 19851986 Secretary-Treasurer, Wisconsin Archaeological Survey
- 19841986 Recording Secretary, Wisconsin Archaeological Society
- In press Plant Remains (Except Wood) from the Larson Site (with Thomas Haberman
and William Green). Accepted for publication edited by Alan D. Harn in Reports of
Investigation series, Illinois State Museum, Springfield.
- In press Belief and Ritual in Prehispanic Water Management among the Northern Lowland
Maya. In Mounds, Modoc, and MesoAmerica: Papers in Honor of Melvin L. Fowler,
edited by S. Ahler. Scientific Papers series, Illinois State Museum, Springfield.
- 1998 NAGPRA Inventory and Consultation: Human Remains and Funerary Objects in the
Charles R. Keyes Collection (with Shirley J. Schermer, Robin M. Lillie, Jill Robinson, and
Larry Zimmerman). Research Papers 23(1). Office of the State Archaeologist,
University of Iowa, Iowa City.
- 1996 Documentation and Consultation Under the Native American Graves Protection and
Repatriation Act for Human Remains and Cultural Items from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Rock Island District Archaeological Collections from Iowa Sites Curated at Various
Repositories (with Jill Robinson, Curtis Nepstad-Thornberry, and Joseph A. Tiffany);
Contract Completion Report 508, Office of the State Archaeologist, University of Iowa,
Iowa City.
- 1995 Phase III Archaeological Salvage of the Buck Creek Mounds (13CT34 and 13CT36),
Local Systems Project GRS-1792(2) Clayton County, Iowa (with James M. Collins); Project
Completion Report 18(16), Highway Archaeology Program, Office of the State
Archaeologist, University of Iowa, Iowa City.
- 1995 Documentation and Consultation Under the Native American Graves Protection and
Repatriation Act for Human Remains and Cultural Items from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Rock Island District Archaeological Collections at the Office of the State Archaeologist,
University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa (with Shirley J. Schermer and Robin Lillie);
Contract Completion Report 470, Office of the State Archaeologist, University of Iowa,
Iowa City.
- 199294 Sole author of 22 technical reports detailing results of investigations
conducted for the Highway Archaeology Program, Office of the State Archaeologist,
University of Iowa, Iowa City.
- 1991 (Co-editor) Blooming Prairie Product Guide. Blooming Prairie Warehouse, Iowa
City, Iowa.
- 1982 Results of an Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Development Site in Oak Creek,
Wisconsin. Report of Investigations, Archaeological Research Laboratory, University of
- 1980 Archaeological Reconnaissance along the Bear Creek and Rock Creek Drainages in
Adams County, Illinois: A Study of Man-Land Relationships. Master's thesis, Department
of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
- 1997 Summary of Data Salvaged from Buck Creek Mound 1, Clayton County, Iowa (with
James M. Collins). Paper presented at the 109th annual meeting of the Iowa
Academy of Science, Davenport.
- 1996 New Data Salvaged from Old Excavations of the Buck Creek Mounds, Northeast Iowa
(with James M. Collins). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for American
Archaeology, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- 19921994 Participated in Office of the State Archaeologist, University of Iowa
educational outreach program; made presentations on archaeology and Iowa prehistory to
Iowa school groups.
- 1993 Recent Archaeological Discoveries Along the Coralville Lake Shoreline, Johnson
County, Iowa. Field report presented at the annual meeting of the Iowa Archeological
Society, Des Moines.
- 1992 Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in the Northern Maya Lowlands. Presentation
for the annual meeting of the Iowa Archeological Society, Waterloo.
- 19861988 Participated in University of Wisconsin Center-Rock County Speakers
Bureau; made presentations to Janesville, Wisconsin, area civic and school groups on
archaeology and Wisconsin prehistory.
- 1983 Report on Preliminary Examination of Aguadas in the Puuc Region of Northwest
Yucatán. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Midwest Mesoamericanists,
Urbana-Champaign, Illinois.
Scientific editing and publishing; Mesoamerican archaeology; Midwestern prehistory;
ecological anthropology; iconography and epigraphy; human osteology
REFERENCES available upon request
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