
provides publication assistance to businesses, academics and scientists. |
Iowa City Transcription Services
E-mail: transcription@scribaltraditions.com
Scribal Traditions Home Page
Kris Hirst has three years of experience providing transcription services and has worked as a freelance writer and editor for 20+ years.
- 2007-Present: Health Services Improvement interviews for the Aberdeen Area Tribal Health Council, South Dakota
- 2006: Maurine Orwa, Health Sciences Communication Dissertation
- Express Scribe
- Infinity Control Foot Control Instrument
- Microsoft Office for Windows, NoteTab Pro
- NitroPro PDF creator
- FAX, scanner, high speed internet, telephone
- Based in Iowa City, Iowa
Rates and Turn Around Time
- Rates are based on transcription speed
- Typical speed (two persons, reasonable tape): 15 minutes of tape = 1 hour of transcription
- Turn Around Time negotiable, but hour-long tapes can be completed within three days of agreement
- Excellent accuracy
- Paypal (or similar) available
- MA Anthropology, University of Iowa. Awarded December 1985.
- BS Education, Illinois State University. English and Theater. Awarded June 1978.
Available upon request
Pay Plans
PayPal and Revolution Money Exchange purchase agreements available
Scribal Traditions index
is located in the American midwest. Please email us for further information.
e-mail transcription@scribaltraditions.com